The JJC Summer Artists in Residence at MICA
What resources and opportunities presently serve artists and their practice in a generative way? How could three area institutions and organizations collaborate to leverage resources and facilities to create a sustainable platform to support artists each year?
The Joshua Johnson Council is the nation’s oldest Black Museum support groups, and has been an affiliate group of the Baltimore Museum of Art for over 38 years. In the summer of 2022, the JJC piloted an artist residency with the Maryland Institute College of Art and the Baltimore Museum of Art, with alumni and distinguished Howard University faculty, James Phillips.
Eassa navigated the institutional partnerships, while building the structure, funding and implementation of this initiative. As the JJC Summer Artists in Residence at MICA shifted from a pilot to a yearly platform, Eassa led the:
Programmatic structure of the residency, during and after the engagement
Designed and solidified the Open Call Jurying process for selecting artists each year
Stewarded JJC’s endowment to fund in perpetuity accounting for artist’s material stipends, professional photo documentation, and speaking engagements
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All images Mitro Hood courtesy of the Baltimore Museum of Art.